Feel Good Fuel: Get the Most of Your Everyday Coffee Blend

Feel Good Fuel: Get the Most of Your Everyday Coffee Blend

How Do You Choose Your Coffee Blend? 

How do you choose your coffee blend? Whether you select it based on taste or how the caffeine affects you, it is important to note that there might be another factor to take into consideration. Most of us drink coffee every single day, so it is important to be mindful of the ingredients in your choice coffee blend. Have you ever felt anxious or jittery after drinking coffee? Certain coffee blends with higher levels of caffeine can cause side effects that mimic those of anxiety. Higher heart rates, dizziness, and feeling tense are symptoms that many coffee drinkers experience.

If you’re anything like us, you love coffee but you could go without the side effects. At Zenbodi, we are dedicated to sharing our love of coffee and introducing cognitive-boosting ingredients to your everyday cup. Let’s talk about how different coffee blends can affect you differently and impact your mood.

Boosting the Positive Effects of Coffee

Many studies find that coffee has a variety of benefits. Caffeine can minimize your risk of depression, boost energy early in the morning, and even decrease your risk of certain heart conditions. What if your coffee could bring even more advantages? 

Zenbean’s infrared-brewed nootropic coffee offers a premium alternative to your current coffee choice. This blend is rich in brain-boosting ingredients which improve cognitive function and help you stay more alert. Caffeine and L-theanine work together to provide sufficient energy without the jittery crash. You deserve to get the most out of your coffee blend. Upgrade your at-home coffee experience by switching to Zenbean’s carefully curated infrared-brewed blend. 

Simple Ways to Make Healthier Coffee Recipes

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some of your favorite coffee orders have 30+ grams of sugar, which is over the recommended amount of 25 grams for women and close to the amount for men, 36 grams. Finding ways to minimize sugar in your coffee while keeping it delicious can be difficult, but it is manageable. 

First, we should discuss the difference between added sugar and natural sugars. Naturally occurring sugars occur in most foods including fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. These ingredients have high nutritional values that offset the effects of sugar. Additionally, these sugars digest slower, having less of an effect on blood sugar levels. Added sugar, on the other hand, does not provide any additional benefits and contributes added calories. If you don’t love the taste of coffee and need extra flavor, there are other ways to make it delicious without sugary syrups. Adding unsweetened cocoa powder, pure maple syrup, or cinnamon is an excellent, sugar-free way to improve your daily coffee. 

In terms of milk or creamer, there are certain things to look out for at the grocery store. First, we recommend avoiding nut milk with gums, added sugars, and inflammatory oils. This can be difficult since many of your favorite nut milks are high in these ingredients. However, once you find a trustworthy nut milk, it is easy to stick to it and pick it up each grocery run. 

Making Coffee That Promotes Your Health

Everything you consume throughout the day will have an impact on how you feel and function.  Your coffee is no different. Choosing a coffee blend with health-boosting ingredients can elevate the effects of your daily cup and help you improve performance at work, while exercising, and more. Find a coffee blend that serves you.

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